Multiple Aduitrous In Church As Bishop Marvelous dragged to CAN, HRC for alleged illicit affairs with married woman – Exclusive

*Claims 2 children are for him
*We’re up for DNA – HRC Official
*I’m not aware of what your talking about – Bishop reacts

By Achadu Gabriel, kaduna

As immorality pervades in Christian-doom in Maiduguri, Borno State capital, as a man married with four children, Mr. Mbursa Ishaku Bwala has dragged Bishop Marvelous Paul and two other Pastors to three critical relevant organizations for alleged illicit affairs with his wife, Mrs Blessing Mbursa Ishahu Bwala.

Mr. Mbursa Bawa said, after series on complaints to the organizations in vain, he decided to formally petitioned the trio, men of God, to Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Human Rights Commission (HRC) and to a Centre for Justice on religious and Ethnicity in Nigeria, in Borno state, Northeast Nigeria.

The husband, Mbursa, in a petition letter to Borno State chapter of CAN, through its Secretary, made available to our kaduna Correspondent, stated that he’s a victim of the Bishop Marvelous Paul and coy:s illicit actions for having affairs with his wife legally marriage to him.

The husband, Mr. Mbursa, in the petition dated 15th December 2024, and copied Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN), stated that Bishop Marvelous Paul has already laid claims to two of his daughter as his own children.

He revealed that the two of his children in contention are currently in a private school bearing the name of Marvelous as their sure name instead of his name, appealing to relevant authorities to help intervene and restore his already broken family back to him.

The petition signed by Mbursa Ishahu Bwala with his GSM no: 08039354552, 09124427337, and addressed to CAN chairman, read in parts: “Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), Borno State chapter, Maiduguri. Through, The secretary, Christian Association of Nigeria, Borno State Chapter, Maiduguri, Borno State.

‘Sir, |, Mbursa Ishaku Bwala write to inform your organization about what some Bishops, Apostle, and Pastors are doing in Borno State, unknown or known to you, and you have not taken any action on several accusations I have complain about.

“But now I desire to put it into written because I am going to escalate it. You people cannot keep quiet for this things to continue happening in the name of Christianity while it is not.

“Sir, Some of this Bishop, Apostle, and Pastors are taking away married women from their husband and making them their wives and concubines , other are having affairs with the married woman in their churches and claiming the women’s children for their own.

“Sir, I am a victim, Bishop Marvelous of Heavenly Wisdom Terbanacle, Wulari Jerusalem, has been having affairs with my wife, Blessing and now he is claiming that daughter, .Hepizipha, 10yrs old, and Jedidiah, 7yrs old, are his children”.

Mbursa also disclosed that “Sir, church wedding no divorce biblically but apostle James Asim Ekoi took her wife to Calabar, Cross River State and had traditional marriage with her and are living in the same room as husband and wife.

“The so called apostle James first vision he saw for Blessing was that it is not going to be good for her until she reconciled with her husband and ask for forgiveness but the vision changed that the apostle saw visions that he (apostle) will marry a woman with four children, and that is my wife Blessing.

“These (above) are some of Bishop Marvelous prophecy to my wife that made her to hate me. On 15th/8/2020, my wife blessing accused me that her pastor the Bishop said she had accident and I am the cause, wanted to kill her,

“The same Bishop prophecised to her that I went to witchcraft to kill her but because of their prayers he didn’t succeed.

“They both pray together, Blessing my wife and Bishop, that lightening will stack me, she will marry and have two kids, a boy and a girl, but she did not mention the person she will marry.

‘On 22/9/2020, she said she will make sure that she make me ran if i see woman. The same Bishop have prophecy for her that I am going to be frustrate and end up been a mad man.

“I wrote to CAN, PFN and inform National human right nothing has been done up till now and the two kids are still with Blessing and her new husband James Asim Ekol.

“Sir, this Bishop and apostle cannot take away my wife and two kids from me, I am a Nigerian, I have right to my constitutional right, it is an injustice done to me by these so called Bishop and Apostle, they must pay for the consequences of their crime”, he lamented.

Restlessly in search of help and rescue supporters, the victim helpless husband, Mbursa also wrote a petition to a private human rights body headed by Amb. Rev. Kallamu Musa Ali Dikwa, to assist him investigate into his allegations with a view to support him rescued or escalated the matter to the relevant bodies including the media.
The petition dated 20th Jan. 2025, also reads in part: “Sir, I will be grateful if this your organization, “Center for Justice on Religious and Ethnicity in Nigeria”, can do the right thing to investigate this issue constitutionally, which I believe it is not above this body for peace, blessing of God in Borno State, for prosperous state.

“Therefore this Bishop Marvelous Paul and Apostle James Asime Ekoi and Blessing should be responsible for their crime, pay for their crime and be send away from Bomo State or be in prison in order not to create crises in our Borno State. The Bishop and Apostle have poison her mine she is not thinking right.

“Sir, church wedding no divorce biblically but this apostle James Asim Ekoi took her to Calabar, Cross River State and had traditional marriage with her and are living in the same room as husband and wife.

“The so called apostle James first vision he saw for her, (Blessing) was that it is not going to be good for her until she reconciled with her husband and ask for forgiveness the vision change that the apostle saw visions that he will marry a woman with four children, and that is my wife Blessing.

“These are some of things Bishop Marvelous prophesied to my wife that made her to hate me: On 15th/8/2020, my wife blessing accused me that her pastor the Bishop said she had accident and I am the cause. Wanted to kill her,

“The same Bishop prophecise to her that I went to witchcraft to kill her but because of their prayers didn’t succeed. They both pray together Blessing my wife and Bishop that lighting will stack me she will marry and have two kids a boy and a girl but she did not mention the person she will marry.

“On 22/9/2020, she said she will make sure that she make me run if i see woman. The same Bishop have prophecy for her that I am going to be frustrate and end up mad a man.

“I wrote to CAN, PFN and inform National human right nothing has been done up to now and the two kids are still with Blessing and her new husband James Asim Ekoo.

“Sir this Bishop and apostle cannot take away my wife and two kids from me. I am Nigerian I have right to my constitutional right it is an injustice done to me by these so called Bishop and Apostle, they must pay for the consequences of their crime.

“Sir I will be grateful if this your organizations Center for justice on religious and ethnicity in Nigeria, can do the right thing to investigate this issue constitutionally, which I believe it is not above this body for peace, blessing of God in Borno State, for prosperous state.

“Therefore this Bishop Marvelous Paul and Apostle James Asime Ekoi and Blessing should be responsible for their crime, pay for their crime and be send away from Bomo State or be in prison in order not to create crises in our Borno State. The Bishop and Apostle have poison her mine she is not thinking right”, he lamented.

He also revealed that “Sir, some Bishops, Apostles and Pastors are taking away married women from their husbands and making them their wife’s and concubines, others are having affairs with the married women in their churches, and claiming the women’s children to be theirs……

…..Sir, I am a victim, and Bishop Marvelous Paul of Heavenly Wisdom Tabernacle, Wulari Jerusalem, Borno area, have been having affairs with my wife, Blessing, and now he is claiming that my daughter, Hepizipha, 10yrs old, and Jedidiah, 7yrs old, are his children.

“Four to five years now, my wife hate me, framing so many allegations against me, which I suffered with the support of some of his pastors in his (Marvelous) church, they separate me from my family.

Sir, my case have been in Metro police Station and in the human Right Commission since 2021, from 2021 to date, I am not together with my family, I pass through heap of pains, rejections by my family and friends, because they thought I was accusing the Bishop for what is not true.

“But thank God, this year, 2024 my wife Blessing went to the human Right herself and told them that our four children, two are mine, but the other two belongs to Bishop Marvelous.

“I was called upon to the human Right, I did not believe Blessing, she is never to believe, because I know her and her tricky lies. I asked for a DNA test, the human Right Commission and all parties agreed that it is the right thing to do, but Sir, up to now, the DNA is not done.

“But to my surprise, either the Bishop or the Apostle that took my wife as his wife now even take her to his village in Calabar, Cross river State, and had a traditional wedding with her.

‘They went on and took the two children to a private school and changed their names, instead of the children bearing my name as the second name, they are bearing Marvelous.

“CAN, I believe is a father to all, this Marvelous Paul of Heavenly Wisdom Tabernacle and James of Heavenly Fire Anointing, Shagari Low Coast, should be called to order before they bring disgrace, disappointment and shame to Christianity in Maiduguri, Borno State.

“Sir, CAN is the head of all Christians, I must cry to CAN first, and if my cry is heard, I will not write to the Ministry of Religious Affairs and then write to the Shehu’s palace.

“I will not let Marvelous to take away my children, neither the so called Apostle James take away my wife, I know and believe, Shehu will do the right thing if CAN, PFN and Ministry of Religious Affairs fails. Thank you sir, call me for detailed explanation”, Mbursa
Ishaku Bwala, narrated.

Similarly, the Rights Activist and Director General Centre for Justice on Religious and Ethnicity in Nigeria, Amb. Kallamu Musa Ali Dikwa, also petitioned Nigeria police in Maiduguri on behalf of the the victim husband, Mbursa Ishaku Bwala

The petition dated 27th January, 2025, and addressed to the Commissioner of Police Borno State Command, is titled: “Petition Against Criminal Acts By Bishop Marvelous Paul And Apostle James Asim Ekoi.

Centre Director General, Rev. Dikwa stated that the essence of the petition is to register the unholy behavior of Bishop Marvelous Paul of Heavenly Wisdom Tabernacle Church at Wulari Jerusalem area, and Apostle James Asim Ekoi of Heavenly Fire Anointing Ministry Shagari Low-cost Maiduguri.

It reads; “Sir, One Mbursa Ishaku Bwala who is legally Married to Blessing Mbursa, brought a petition to our Centre that Marvelous Paul (Bishop) has been having an illicit affairs with his wife who happen to be his member who later Ordained her as one of his pastors in the church.

“The marriage between Mbursa and Blessing was officiated by Bishop Adamu Danger of End Time Harvest Church Maiduguri on 3rd May, 2008. And the marriage was blessed with 4 children. Though along the line, the marriage has been going through series of misunderstanding which is usual in many families, but there was never a time that the husband divorced her.

“However the Bishop of the Church Marvelous took advantage of the misunderstanding and begin to have sexual affairs with Mrs Blessing, which later resulted to a fact that Mrs Blessing confessed before the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Borno State Branch that the last two of the children belongs to Bishop Marvelous who is their biological children.

‘The NHRC, invited Bishop Marvelous who confessed to have committed the offence and admitted that the two kids are actually his children, a statement that is documented at the NHRC office.

“All the parties agreed that the DNA test is the right way to go, but till date the DNA test hasn’t been carried out because the Commission officers asked all the parties to contribute money for the DNA test each of them to bring six hundred thousand naira (N600,000.00), only.

“The family of Mr. Mbursa Bwala gave N600,000.00. Bishop Marvelous gave N600,000.00 only and to Mrs. Blessing to bring N600,000.00 only. Total amount to carry out the DNA test is N1.8milion.

“But Mrs Blessing didn’t provide the N600,000,00 for the test. Mr. Haruna Bwala the uncle to Mr. Mbursa who gave the money for the DNA test on behalf of Mr. Mbursa collected back his N600,000,00. Because this case has been lingering for 4 years at the National Human Rights Commission office”, it stated.


It added that “Another allegation against Bishop Marvelous Paul is that there’s a another family of late Mr. Jafaru Mamza who died about 2 years ago Bishop Marvelous is having affairs (sleeping) with the widow of late Mr. Jafaru Mamza.

“According to the allegations, any time Bishop Marvelous visits the family of the late Jafaru Mamza. He (Bishop) will asked the elder son of late Jafaru to flog the girls his own sisters because the Angels of God showed him (Bishop) that the girls are carrying evil spirit and the young man start flogging his own sisters.

“I have invited the matured girl who is a student at University of Maiduguri for questioning and she said what I heard it’s true if she opens her back for me to see, I’ll pity her. Herself and the younger sister this is what they have been going through in the hands of this so-call Bishop and their mother.

‘I also asked if it is true that their late father’s house and land sold by the so-call Bishop without the knowledge of their late father’s family? She said yes, but after selling the properties their mother and the Bishop informed the elder brother of the deceased Husband.

“I also asked where the money is? She said even though women children are not supposed to included in sharing Inheritance but their mother and the so-call Bishop opened an account for the girls and kept something for them to do business.

“I challenged her that who told you that a girl-child is excluded from inheritance? She said this is what I was told. Right now Mrs. Blessing relocated herself with the 2 children of Mr. Mbursa from Bishop Marvelous to another so-called Apostle James Asim Ekoi Heavenly Fire Anointing Ministry at Shagari Low Cost as her new husband.

.”According to Mr. Mbursa Bwala, the legally wedded husband’s of Mrs. Blessing, the so-called Apostle James and Blessing went to James village in Calabar Cross River State, and have an traditional wedding with Blessing without getting a divorce letter from Mrs. Blessing husband or any court of law in the land.

“This attitude or activities of these so-call Church Leaders is totally out of constitutional context and against our laws and totally unbiblical.

‘Sir, we look forward to your prompt attention to redress this great injustice meted to a Nigerian Citizen in total violation of his inherent rights enshrined in the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 as amended.

“Please accept the assurances of our utmost regards to your esteemed office. Here attached complain letter written to the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) Borno State chapter by Mr. Mbursa Bwala. Nothing has been done by the Christian Leaders”, The Centre narrated.

Contacted Bishop Marvelous Paul for clarification, the Bishop who resulted to intimation, queried how his phone contact was obtained, he however later said he did not know anything about the allegations.

His words; Who I’m I speaking with, from where, what happen’.

After introduction and clarification to him about the petitions against him by a husband, Mbursa Bwala and that of an activist Rev. Dikwa, Bishop Marvelous said he’s not aware of what “we’re talking about”.

When asked, if his is the one bearing Bishop Marvelous Paul, he still repeated himself adding “I don’t know what your talking about”.
Whatever that has to do with media I’m not in that position to respond. If there’s anything, I think the party who intimated you should be able to tell you the details, not me.

“If they’ve given it to you, you can proceed with the details. What details they brought there, we’ve better way to checkmate that details. We can checkmate the details.

“Whatever is written against your name, evidences will come. We’ve a better way to see how our…..who give you my number please, where did you get my number from.

‘You go ahead with your work with prove to that, whatever you want to do make sure you’ve prove to that, if you don’t, you would be responsible to that’, he threatened.

He also said “I didn’t even know if there’s an allegetions. If there’s any allegetions. Your now telling me whether there was an allegetions, so let us see what the allegetions are if those allegations that you publish are not the one that we need to know there better ways to respond to it.

“Just make sure whatever your publishing you have defense to them….you can go ahead with what Human Rights Commission say, they can be petition, any other person can be petition”, he threatened.

Also when asked “The petitioner is alleging you’ve had illicit affairs with his wife’, he responded that “Your the one who allegedly had affairs with his wife. Don’t send the petitions to me, sent it to the media and let’s read them there.

Also when contacted for more clarification, the petitioner and victim husband, Mr Mbursa Bwala was unavailable to pick his calls.

However a daughter who gave her name as Grace Mbursa, who picked the call later confirmed the allegetions, alleging that her mother and two sisters are leaving with the Pastors in his house, while two of them are with the father in different area of Borno state.

Earlier, a HRC Borno official who pleaded anonymity told our Correspondent, that they need more times to complete the process of DNA of the case pending in their office, also confirming monies been contributed to their office by those involved to the DNA.

While the HRC Official confirmed the allegetions, he earlier declined comment on ground that the matter is pending before their office and has possibility of negative affect by exposing the children psychologically and otherwise.


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